Wonders from our little kitchen

Panda and Trampe sharing their recipes with the world

Lemon and honey tea February 16, 2010

Filed under: Tea,Trampe — Aleksander Nordgarden-Rødner @ 7:03 pm
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This is one of many simple ways to soothe a sore throat and dripping nose; and it is both healthy and very nice as well.

To make this you will need:

  • A large teacup
  • A lemon
  • Honey
  • Water

Start by boiling the water. While it comes to the boil, cut the lemon in half, and slice one of the halves. Add the slices to the cup along with a good dollop of honey. When the water is boiled, add it to the mix, and stir. Let it all draft for a couple of minutes before enjoying.

A variant on this theme is to add slices of ginger to the mix as well. This should also help that sore throat, and is also a very nice drink in and of itself.


Chicken fusion

Filed under: Chicken,Meat,Trampe — Aleksander Nordgarden-Rødner @ 5:26 pm
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I’m a big fan of fusion cooking, and happen to like the basic train of thought of most things that are good are good together. This was my thinking when I made this dish the other day. I knew that coconut milk and chicken gets along a treat, as do coconut and lemon and/or lime. As for spice, I wanted a smoky, asian vibe. Anyway, without further ado, here’s the recipe:

  • Chicken breast
  • Coconut milk
  • Lemon and/or lime
  • Ginger
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Garam masala
  • Paprika powder
  • Peanuts and/or cashews

Dice the chicken, and toss in a preheated pan along with the onion (roughly chopped) and garlic (finely chopped). Add the fatty “lid” from the coconut milk. Grate the ginger, and add that to the pan along with the rest of the coconut milk (the “lid” should now have melted). Grate the skin of the lemon and/or lime, and add to the mix.
Add some paprika powder and garam masala. Bash up some peanuts and/or cashews in a pestle and mortar and add to the mix. Skin the lemon/lime, chop it roughly, and add to the mix. Add a little more liquid (vegetable stock, chicken stock or beer) and leave to simmer.
Serve with rice or cous-cous and a generous helping of chopped flat-leaf parsley.